Classic Erotica manufactures romance products, designed to be women and couples friendly. Their distinctive packaging lends a refreshing profile to romantic essentials. Innovative flavors and fragrances promise to entice even the timid plus enhance any "first time experience".

Every item is carefully researched and developed to warrant your confidence and trust. They always strive to manufacture with only the finest ingredients to assure the utmost in product pleasure and satisfaction. Their sensual lotions, oils, cremes and lubricants are proudly Made in the USA with NO ANIMAL TESTING.

At Classic Erotica they remain focused on the idea that sensuality loves to be expressed and explored and will continue to provide the sensual means to support you in that expression!

The Classic Erotica line of Simply Sensual products is sold through their Distributor Network and can be found retail in most Adult Specialty Stores, Lingerie Boutiques, Mail Order, On-Line and Home Party Plans.